About Us

What sort of running club are you?

As our club founders put it,  we celebrate getting out of the house (since 2007).  Whether you run & walk 5km, want social runs around South Bristol to improving your speed and times in races.  Of course we enjoy the social side of running too, post runs and separate events.

Where and at what time do you meet?

We meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the Southbank Club on Dean Lane, BS3 1DB (map) from 6.00pm for a 6.15 pm start.

What do I have to wear?

From October onwards until March, it is mandatory for all runners to wear items of hi-viz. The rule will be removed in spring when the clocks go forward. We will have some spare items of hi-viz clothing for new members to use during sessions. 

Is there anywhere to put my bicycle?

It is possible to lock your bike up in the garden round the back of the Southbank.

How much is it to join?

There is a charge of 50p per run in order to cover the cost of using the facilities at the Southbank Club. We recommend you become a member for a small fee of £4 a year, more information can be found on the Members tab.

Is there anywhere to store my gear while we are out running?

When you arrive at The Southbank Club (6.00 - 6.15) space is available to store items, suitable for warm tops and bags etc. It is not secure, insured or guaranteed and we do not recommend storing items of high value like computers or expensive phones.  You are able to rent lockers for a £5 deposit from the Southbank Club for more valuable items.

Does everyone run in races?

Some  just run for fun and to keep fit and make running friends, many race both road and trail races around the  country and adventures abroad.

Are there any social events?

We're a lively club and organise various socials and there are always a number of us having a post run drink on a Tuesday or Thursday at the Southbank Club. Visit our Facebook page for more info on what's going on.

Can I join your mailing list?

Yes, subscribe to our mailing list online and you'll received monthly news with details of everything that is going on.

How can I get a club Vest/T-Shirt?

Club kit preorders are made on a seasonal basis and will be announced when open for preorders